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The Power of Community

Esther and I just spent our first 3 nights of many to come at Camp Christopher. There were tears, awe, laughter and just silence as we listened to the chorus of bird calls. This has that healing vibe and surrounds you with grace and love. We got to meet some of our community that was staying there. They had taken it upon themselves to mow a huge part of the camp as well as plant some flowers. Last weekend our community folks cleaned up a huge wood/junk pile and stacked enough wood for all of us to use this summer. We jumped in and finished mowing, fixed a nesting box, cleaned up dirt piles from the snow plow, organized the new shed and still had plenty of time to eat, nap, walk and enjoy the campfires. It is such a special place that all the mosquitoes in the state decided to move there as well!

I keep coming to that word community because that is what has happened with Camp Christopher - we have developed a community of people with shared experiences, many of them difficult and painful, but all seeking a space to share, contemplate, heal, grieve or do whatever you need depending where you are at in the journey. We received that grace of community at Our School Lives and Sax-Zim Bog this weekend. People reaching out, supporting and being engaged in the story of Camp Chris. Every single one of you, every single one, is a gift and you have made an impact on our lives and the lives of others. I'm excited to see how this grows and to experience the stories. The relationships formed already have impacted my life and Esther's as well.

A few updates:

  • The electricity is not functioning. It needs to be trenched and buried and the RV pedestal needs to be brought up to code. We have received one quote and to be honest still suffering from sticker shock. It was double what we expected and budgeted. So I'm not sure where we are going to land with that right now. Looking for some other quotes from other electricians. If you know of anyone that can help please let me know. I know many of you have offered to donate money for this camp but we have refused as we are not a non-profit and really don't want to move that direction. It doesn't seem right to collect money for something that profits us down the road with our land. Thank you for the kindness offered. We just want to share our gift.

  • We have a new shed with camping supplies for all to use as they need when they stay there. There is also a riding mower that is now functioning, a push mower and a trimmer. If you have a desire to help with mowing, trimming just let me know and I'll get you the code to the lock on the shed.

  • We hope to put up a more permanent screened gazebo on the deck where the canopy currently sits. Always open to those who have the skills I sorely lack to construct something. Will gladly pay for the materials.

  • Somewhere down the road we will probably put a well in but that will be at least a year away.

  • The sunsets across the field from the camp have been absolutely spectacular! I'll throw a couple of pics of those from this weekend.

  • The mosquitoes are quite happy here! There is a fogger that works but kinda scares the crap out of me to have someone else use it. It is in the old metal shed with some propane canisters and leftover bug goop.

  • Pondering an October, after we kind of close up the camp, potluck lunch gathering for the Camp Chris Community. Let me know your thoughts.

  • Best way to reach me is to email

  • Esther and I are so grateful you and your support. Please, please take care of yourselves and if life is too much please reach out for support. We have some resources we can refer you to if needed.

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