It had been a long week and when I heard the issues one of our campers was having with the driveway it was kind of the end of my sanity for a moment. I overreacted to the circumstances and posted about it. While the idea of one of our folks coming to camp for peace and some serenity and then experiencing hardship and anxiety is something that bothers me a great deal, I overreacted to the situation. There are ways to fix what went wrong and too much good has come from this for us and for our guests. We are working on getting the road and driveway fixed. It may take some time as the road restrictions are not removed until Monday and we may need things to dry out a bit. However, we are talking with a couple of folks who will eventually be able to help us out.
For now, the trail cam solution will be to have folks turn it off if they are uncomfortable with it. I will make sure that everyone is aware that it is there and hopefully help them understand its purpose.
Thanks all for your understanding and support. You've been heard and will continue to be heard. Camp Christopher will live on but please note the updates here and on the website. You can also get on the email list for updates on the website.