Road and driveway are planned to be fixed in the next couple of weeks if all goes according to plan.
We have had lots of cancellations this month. Check the calendar and see if there is a date that works for you. Email me at if you'd like to reserve a time at the camp.
Two bigger projects and a few smaller things to do at the camp if you are bored and are looking for something to do:
There is a stack of metal from the old metal shed on the old platform. Just want it gone.
There is a sprawling willow shrub on the northwest corner of the property. Just want it gone.
There are some cement blocks still to be moved from behind the deck. If you want any....feel free to take them. Just want them gone.
Some of the birch trees could use some trimming.
Looking for someone to mow next weekend as Esther and I will be gone to Alaska for our 40th anniversary and there is no one staying at camp until June 14 at this point. Email me if you can help.
The screened porch needs some adjust on the metal corners as the screen is too loose and not serving a purpose at this point.
The mosquitoes are nasty especially at sunrise and sunset. Be prepared.
The driveway and road have finally dried out and while it is a rough, slow ride the mud holes have dried out. Still stay on the driveway at the camp and don't go past the porta-potty.
Check out the videos posted touring the camp. They will be posted to the website (maybe?) and are posted on the Facebook page.
Hope you all stay well and if you are struggling you are finding the people to support you. Life is hard but you are not alone.
Love y'all!